Sunday, June 19, 2011

Hi Tech or Hi Heart

I am Susan Rose, Registered Nurse and and now part time nursing informatics instructor. This editorial is to share my observations of the split between the technology and holistic nurses (and others) in the high heart professions and life styles.

Generally I have been known or have tried to function in the world with "High Heart".

This means I approach everyone with an “I to thou” relationship. I look people into their eyes. You can see their souls, reminding me we are all part of the creator. This may make me a bit trusting, but after nearly 30 patient care, it is a trait that was reinforced by my career and runs deep.

Caring for all things, championing the underdog has become my trademark. I even voted for George McGovern in 1972 when he only carried one state!

Living in a culture of holistic, natural save the planet sub communities has put me in touch with some wonderful people. My life story sings to me Carole King’s song

“ You make me feel like a natural woman”.

So overall, I like granola, gourmet vegan cooking, .( as long as someone else makes it) … organic food, (when affordable) and chanting OMMMM in a circle. Generally this has aligned me with the main purpose for most of my life.

However… enter the computer and the internet in the 90’s. Now the "Hi Heart" is being twined with the "Hi Tech" way of being in life. It is an unlikely marriage.

Wear hippi clothes… with tablet computer…

Distain for technology often accompanies those who love nature, smiling babies and heartfelt friendships. Many of the same friends in my peace and love Subculture staunchly tell me that they do NOT “do “ email. It is too unnatural. They say if they want to talk to someone they will just call them.

I would like to tell these friends (who say why don’t you just call, or worse yet, why don’t you just go home, sit down and call me)…. That the telephone was cutting edge high technology about 100 years ago. At that time, people may have said.,….Why don’t’ you just visit or write me a letter?... similar to those who said- buy a horse!

Now am coming to the specific purpose of editorial.

How internet technology, email, social media, and yes, even those dreaded 2 words…FACE BOOK can be embraced by the most organic loving renegade flower children of the 60’s!

So to my technophobic friends …as well as my own questioning psyche…. How could I (still wanna-be hippie) be doing this?
Yes, Virgina, there is a Santa Clause, or rather yes Virginia, in the chest of a Hi Tech lover, there is a heart. This heart can be as big as texas, cheerful to all, and might even save the planet.

To give some examples of how peace and love are bound to spread with Hi Tech….

The first example is the video program skype. As part of my natural foods preference, I like to purchase hummus at a mid eastern deli. There I learned that the owners are Lebanese, but video call with their families over skype. So their elderly parents do not feel they lost their grown children.

A well childbirth delivery was recently live streamed from the delivery room to a dad who could not get there in time to watch his baby being born. So mother in father were “there” for the baby.

Another example of great connections being made… –Friends reported that they enjoyed a class reunion, only made possible by finding classmates through facebook and “friending” them. In August, my cousins and I are planning a reunion through facebook. It is faster than email and through “feeds” I can let them know how to plan the trip.

Through facebook, twitter, messages can be sent to groups instantly. An example during the big 2010 February snow storm, there was a local pub in Philadelphia that put out the message to 300 Four square contacts. It said all those within walking distance should get on their boots and come on over for an open bar for early diners at their establishment. By the end of the day, there were so many people that the 6 oclock news came to report the phenomena and the fire marshal forbade any more people from entering the building after too many to count people came! Mr Rogers would say, a great way to meet neighbors!?

There is a different holistic use of facebook….Every one has a story line. Whether you know it or not, you are a character in the story of life, I Susan Rose use facebook to help chronically list the highlights of my life.

At the end our our lives, no one wants to say to themselves, geesh what the heck was that all about? Through facebook, I can relive the significant events and savor them. With uploading the photos of the vacation, my story line is persevered.

On days when I – like anyone else – can get the blues, I can go to facebook and see what I have been up to for the past few years, and perhaps find a lot of

reasons for gratitiude.

Now, they say that this program like google or facebook are not really free. They are paid for by a sharing of privacy. My privacy.

Who would have thought there are so many who find useful information in my likes, dislikes and spending habits?

So my last point Hi Tech issue is that a lack of privacy could be a blessing.

It reminds you to not hang out with the wrong crowds, what you say matters. It helps you do live transparently. If you do life without secrets, you de-complicate your life and keep yourself out of a lot of mischief. The Dali Lama says the secret of happiness is to avoid the things which when led to a likely conclusion would cause unhappiness. By avoiding the negative, emphasizing what we have in common and following this advice, I feel safe on the internet… (as long as I keep my antivirus subscription renewed, watch out for my charge card numbers and do NOT reply to letters from Nigeria).

So let’s summarize

There is my underlying story line of Hi Heart, and in the last few decades, the blending of Hi Tech.

In my psyche, both bookends compatibly connect the dots of all my friends, interests, and passions. Maybe it will connect yours too. Mental telepathy of instant thought sharing will evolve the world to greater understanding, compassion and love.

So in conclusion, when I look for that outdoor hot spot this season with my lap top or electronic tablet in hand … I can sit on a park bench and sing along with the you tube rendition of Seals and Crofts …”Summer Breeze makes me feel fine, bowing through the jasmine in my mind”….

Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year 2011!
My last day of work for my 25+ year job was on Dec 30th 2010.

It is not the end of my career though, just the beginning.
I am able to explore it in a way that I could never
do before. A part time job is lined up ( more on that later.)

I feel my parents and ancestors in spirit are with me
now, cheering me on! The time has come to try my wings.
The whole sky is my playground.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Celebrating Advent?

It first happened a few years ago.
Levin Furniture was having a sale, with no payment until 2012!
This was the first time a date was shown in advertising that was AFTER my retirement year. After 25 years at my current nursing employer, this Masters Degree RN is ready to go.

In the past, leaving my employer was like standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon, looking down. You know that the bottom is there, but so far off and precarious to get there! It only seems like a vision in the mists, not a reality.

Lately thought, the proposed retirement date is sneaking up on me? Recently 6 month return appointments for patients were past my retirement date! The last carton of organic milk purchased had an expiration date of 12/1/10 on it. Ah! to relish the thought that the next carton purchased will show a lovely 2011 on it.

In this season of advent, the time before Christmas, there was a ceremony at my grade school of lighting candles on a wreath. One candle lit for each week of advent. There was a song that was played at this time into every classroom over the PA system. "Oh come oh come ( enter your divine name here) and ransom captive Israel." For me this date with destiny is set in early 2011.
For me, Advent is not a dirge to "save a poor wretch", but a promise. It is exciting, like anticipating Christmas.

What about the reader who cannot yet plan a ransom date?
How do they enjoy "the now"?
There are some lucky ones, who's work is their passion, so no ransom is needed. Confucius said: "Love what you do, and you will never work another day".

While helping people as a nurse can be your love, but not when you have so many requests for help that some are answered quickly, but some must be let go. You are a miracle worker to some and may seem insensitive to others. Some people feel guilty about saying no. Often, that has been me. This thought comforts me: Jesus only healed one at a time. He raised Lazarus but did not raise the whole graveyard. It looks like he knew when to call it a day. Supporters like Nicodemus had the assets to spend the night, with a great dinner, hot bath and cozy bed to rest.

How many of us give up the evening dinner hot bath and cozy bed? Do you see McDonald's fries under your car seat? Many in these types of jobs consider this a luxury, and give that up. They also work through breaks and lunch, often putting in a few hours on the weekend or after quitting time. Many do this on their own time for fear of being criticized by asking for over time.

Are you making a living, or making a dying? While short bursts of 50+ hours a week in an emergency are appropriate, how many weeks/ months / years does this keep going? A candle burned at both ends produces more light for sure. This candle however, ends up as a puddle of remaining wax, with no wick left. Maybe you pay is great, but you are a bird in a guided cage. Many are trapped by their increasing debt from the demands of a higher life style.

On Sunday, Dec 5th, 2010, join me at the Chapel of Oneness in the South Hills of Pittsburgh, near Century 3 Mall. At their 11am service I will be combining some metaphysical truths with the practical suggestions that come from the school of hard knocks. This talk will be for people who feel stuck, or those who want to avoid or help others in this predicament.

The Church's official web site is A link to directions is here:,+West+Mifflin,+PA+15236&gl=us&ei=oTnTSp2cH8yRlAfxrPyoCg&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CAoQ8gEwAA

Hope to meet you there, but if not, check back on this blog for highlights of what was presented.
Above all, know that you are a powerful spiritual being and very loved. {{{[[[HUGS]]]}}}

Friday, April 16, 2010

My moring drive

For years I was on a too-early nursing shift, being already on the job before the sun came up.
Saw some nice sunrises out the hospital window, but after too many years of this, I transferred to a nursing job that started at 8:30am.

In my pre-nursing years of office work, one thing I disliked was getting behind a school bus, 15 mile an hour school zones, and worse yet, being in front of a school where you had to wait for an entire bus to disembark.

When I first came back to the world of the post dawn work force, my experience with school buses was enjoyed. It was great to start later. Sharing the world with darling little school children off to start their day, I connected with that anticipation and innocence. I'd see a girl and think- She has the whole big world ahead of here. Then I would think, Hey, so do I!

Nevertheless, that 15 mile an hour school zone sometimes caught me by surprise. Always leaving a bit later than I should, one day, lost in thought drove into one of my usual school zones a bit faster- maybe 25 instead of 15 miles per hour. To my surprise the school crossing guard jumped off the curb into the side of the street, and with a snarling face, shook her fist at me!
She looked like an old Rosie the plumber, but not as pleasant and quite formidable.
Yikes! slowing down I wondered how was I going to pass that old battle ax every day after she punished my infraction?

Since traveling another route did not seem like a good option, I kept to the same route, ever aware of a possible severe reprimand if I did not watch out. Every day was an opportunity to think a judgmental thought. Thoughts how my work was too hard, and with not enough sleep and too much overtime- no wonder it was hard to stay to that 15 mile an hour posting.
There weren't even any children nearby the day she jumped out at me. It was easy to excuse myself and blame the crossing guard.

Then it happened. One day on the way to work my heart melted. There was the
woman of my fears taking pictures of the little ones on their first day of school.

How they were beaming. How thoughtful of her to do this! How long would they keep the photos? I want to add that many of the children came from a city housing project, and did not have beaming parents to send them off. She knew that and was their protector and took pride in them.

From that point on, the crossing guard became my ally instead of my adversary. Maybe she still thought- here comes the lady who is a jerk and drove too fast on my beat. Regardless - I decided to give her a friendly wave when I passed by. Eventually, she waved back.

That is when I started to bless her and her corner and all the children, and what the heck the whole darn school every day when I passed it. When I did I felt a sense of grace flow into me.
Maybe it was a reward for changing my attitude from judgment to empathy, but for sure it keeps me healthy and better able to take care of my patients every day.

One day school was out for the summer. I missed seeing the children and guards and blessed them anyway. Maybe I was sending that prayer back in time and space to the moment this occurred. Maybe the extra positive charge on the corner could set up a lucky rabbit's foot like blessing all year.

Now remember, this crossing guard was not young. Eventually she must have retired, because there have been two school crossing guards since her. I bless them too. ....and my friend Rosie the plumber where ever she is. I'd like to thank her someday. Maybe I already have.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Will the happy nurse be there?

For the most part this blog will follow me in the next year preparing to retire.
Some of you may be thinking, well that is good for her, but I am a long way off.
How do I get by now, when I don't know if I can take it any more?

Here is something I wrote to myself about 10 years ago.
I still think of it often, and hope it will help you too:

...When my daughter was little, many years ago, there was a nurse
in my family practice office that I will always remember.
Heavy set, middle aged, rather plain but always pleasant and smiling with my sick child.

After a while when I had to take my daughter to the doctor she would say -
"Is the happy nurse going to be there?"

Well, maybe she has a pleasant stress free life,
I thought. She must have it better than me.

Well, to my surprise I found out she didn't. The "happy nurse"
herself was undergoing cancer treatment. The "happy nurse"
endured a buy off of her clinic from a small business to a large
for profit HMO and hospital group. You know what? She must
have survived the cancer because she turned up a year ago in a branch
office, just as smiling, helpful and cheerful as ever.

Sometimes when I drive to work, I think about her. She may not
get a 5 star evaluation. She may not have perfect heath, or even a good figure.
She may not have a romance or stable employment.
But she does bring light, joy, humor and hope to all she touches.
And isn't that what healing is all about?

My favorite movie is "Patch Adams".
(Now available to rent on DVD or VCR.)
It was about a doctor who chose to infuse humor in his work life...

Patch says it is not hard to offer others humor.
You did not need to be a comic or don a clown outfit.
His definition is:
"Humor is a smile on your face
a twinkle in your eye
and a willingness to greet."

Doing life in a state of grace communicates wordlessly and perfectly.
Truth is simple, and peace is fun, joy is contagious.

So don't hold back your unique wonder and innocence.
Remember the advice of Henry David Thoreau:
"If a man does not keep pace with his companions,
perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.
Let him step to the music which he hears,
however measured or far away."
I recently had a psychic impression given to me that I would not be retiring as soon as I had planned.
It is likely because creatively fulfilling work after leaving, it does not seem like retirement to her.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Start of Blog Welcome!

This is a journal of how I am making a transition from full time work to an early retirement.

My last full time paycheck will be early March of 2011 where my 25 year career at the same
place will be ended by an early voluntary retirement. (Through the magic of unused vacation time owed, my
actual last day in Dec 30th,k 2010, but my last full time pay is March 4, 2011.)

For the past 25 +years I have worked as a nurse, but had other jobs in many types of office work and sales before joining the nursing world.

I do believe that once a nurse always a nurse, but this blog is to help those who look forward to a new life after retirement.

Many of you, like me, have seen countless coworkers vanish into the world of retirement. You say "keep in touch" but few ever do. What the heck happens to them? Were they happy they did it? What joys or "if only's" occur in the first year? I promise to stay with you to fill you in on
the rest of the story.  Many will keep in touch by facebook, but sharing in a blog is deeper.

According to actuary tables, people who retire early and get interested in their life's passion - even a second career - live longer than those who stay chained to a job they have grown weary of. I think you know the ones who retire at 65 only to live a few years after that. This is why, although having an income at the top of our pay scale, it may be more lucrative in the log run to start over early.

For now, parting words for all of you who say- why leave your job when you are bound to make less than you do now, if you have to start over:
"If you love what you do, you will never work another day in your life."